The Golden Age

Released February 21 2019

Classical Guitarist Seattle
Classical Guitarist Seattle

For Ruth Ella and Willard Charles Buxton

And in memory of Marty Van Dusen

I record music through the air, into microphones placed close to the guitar, to give you an experience much like sitting in the room next to me while play just for you. It means you hear every note exactly as I play it. It also means you can sometimes hear my breathing and fingernail clicks. I hope it adds rather than distracts but I welcome your feedback. Thank you for listening - it means the world to me.


About four years ago I fell solidly in love with the music of Paco de Lucia. This piece is an homage to him that can’t hope to do his work justice but captures what I feel inside when I think of him and begin to play.

A Song For Mimi

To the beauty of an open smile and a kind voice.

Saint Charles Place

My world is a better place for knowing Charles, who I met the morning after election day 2016, and the mutual discovery of intelligent life in the valley. The accordion is one my father purchased in 1955 in Torino, Italy. He left behind a journal of the trip that included a page describing the shop, his negotiation with the owner, and the pretty girl who accompanied him that day.

The Golden Age

For Lily and me.


I had major surgery this year. I woke up from a nap in the hospital to see the kindest of eyes looking back at me. This one is for the nurses who took such good care of me - Jessica, Amber, Arvin, Daniel, Laura, and many others.

Confidant (Cassie’s Song)

To the comfort of a listening friend.


Most of what I know of the place comes from movies and books. I was trying for magical. We should go.

Returning (For Ash)

A couple of years ago I wrote a piece called “Girl On A Boat” the week Ash left for Alaska. She recently returned and after seeing her again I sat down with the guitar and, as tears began to flow, this piece came out.


Swing the hammer.

Vespa Capri

Jude Law on a Vespa in Rome. With a rose between his teeth, probably. Ciao, bello.

Hot Sand On My Feet

Antidote for unreasonable expecations.

Two By Two

For dear Marty, who worked with the Twos and had a selfless and giving heart. And for all those left behind.

Confidant (Reprise)

I was rehearsing Book Of Ruth one day and noticed that the bridge for Confidant fit quite naturally at the end. Completely different tuning and guitar. I think it works well here.

Two By Two

What lies beyond this galaxy, this system of solar bodies and planets and aether? Open to the windless night the stars may finally tell us one day.

Special Thanks To

Ash, friend deep and dear, for returning. Via Tanjier, no less. Cassie Kaminski for sharing so many comforts, hopes, and dreams. Mimi McDonald for the magic in a kind word. Nurse Jessica and crew for taking good care of me and reminding me that having songs on the radio in Spain is actually pretty cool. Charles Anthony for believing, for listening, for being. William Ackerman and Corin Nelsen for starting me on this journey and helping out along the way. Paco for personifying relentless power and excruciating beauty together in a single musical phrase. Will and Ruth Buxton for a lifetime of music and love. Tea Mars for being Family. Sara Depp, Chuck Gould, and the Couth Buzzard gang for creating a safe place to work out these songs in public. And last but never least my darling Lily, the artist and author L.A. Smith-Buxton, for working beside me in life and in love to create our Golden Age.

Damon Buxton
January 11th, 2019

All songs written, recorded, and performed by Damon Buxton.

Copyright © (p) Damon Buxton. Published by Many Miles Music. All rights reserved.

1996 Mark Stanley Classical
2003 David Haxton S-003 Concert Grand Mahogany
2003 David Haxton S-004 Concert Grand Rosewood

Other Instruments
2011 Kiwaya Soprano Low G Ukulele
1955 La Sonora Castelfidardo Accordion

Damon Buxton plays exclusively Hannabach strings.

Cover model: Ash

Photography: Damon Buxton

Recorded at The Yellow House Seattle Washington



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